On Earth As It Is In Heaven, Morricone Score & Parts
Note from the Editor
The conductor may find the syllables in Choir I are sometimes impractical. In that instance it may be preferable to substitute “oo” or “ah”.
Wilma Jensen
Vita nostra tellus sic clamant poena nostra vires ira nostra fides.
Thus our life longs for the earth, our punishment for strength, our wrath for faith.
CD to be released winter 1998
Music by St. George’s Choir, Wilma Jensen, Organist, Soloists and Instrumentalists.
Music at St. George’s
Pro Organo CD 7065 Zarex Corporation Edison Park Station P.O. Box 8338
South Bend, IN 46660-8338 Phone: 1-800-336-2224 Fax: (219) 271-9191
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